This list shows what isn’t allowed, in addtition we’ll remove any item we feel is harmful to the community.
Adult Content
Leave some things to the imagination. Sexual content, adult toys or other items that include explicit nudity are not allowed.
It is forbidden to sell drugs, even if it’s legal to do so in your jurisdiction.
You can’t offer to do something illegal.
Prohibited services include:
- Escort Services
- Services which are themselves illegal (unlocking phones and other hardware) or may include illegal activity
- Services related to drugs
- Services involving guns or other weapons
We don’t allow spam. Don’t start a conversation with someone unless you’re actually interested in buying/selling an item
Weapons and Other Dangerous Items
We prohibit dangerous items like firearms or items that have been widely recalled.
Prohibited items include:
- All firearms, accessories and ammunition
- Tasers
- Pesticides, tear gas, and other hazardous chemicals
The policies above cover most of what isn’t allowed, but are not exhaustive. We will remove any item we feel is harmful to the community.